

2015-07-24 翻吧

NASA scientists have discovered anEarth-like planet some 1,400 light-years away orbiting a star similar to thesun, they revealed during a press conference Thursday morning.


The newfound planet, named Kepler-452b, isthe smallest planet yet discovered orbiting the habitable zone of a G2-typestar, like our sun. The discovery of Kepler-452b brings the total number ofplanets confirmed by NASA's Kepler mission to 1,030. It is the most similar toEarth of all of them.


"This exciting result brings us onestep closer to finding an Earth 2.0," Dr. John Grunsfeld, associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency'sheadquarters in Washington, D.C., said in a statement.

“这是一个令人激动的发现,让我们对发现Earth 2.0更进一步。”位于NASA华盛顿总部的NASA科技探索委员会副主任约翰·格兰斯费尔德(John Grunsfeld)博士在一份声明中说道。

Kepler-452b is about 60 percent larger indiameter than Earth. Scientists haven't yet determined its mass andcomposition, but it is likely a rocky world. The planet is about 5 percentfarther from its parent star than Earth is from the sun -- but the alien worldstill orbits within its star's habitable zone.


"This is the closest thing that wehave to another planet like the Earth," Dr. Jon Jenkins, Kepler dataanalysis lead at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, saidin a teleconference. "It would feel a lot like home based on thesunshine."

“这是我们发现一颗最类似地球的行星。”位于美国加州Moffett Field 的NASA Ames 研究中心的开普勒数据分析负责人琼·詹宁斯(Jon Kenkins)在电视会议上说道。“这让人感觉象是沐浴在阳光中的家一般。”

The planet's host star, named Kepler-452,appears to be 1.5 billion years older than our sun, at 6 billion years old. Ithas the same temperature as our sun and is about 20 percent brighter and 10percent larger in diameter.


"It’s awe-inspiring to consider thatthis planet has spent 6 billion years in the habitable zone of its star; longerthan Earth," Jenkins said in the written statement. "That’ssubstantial opportunity for life to arise, should all the necessary ingredientsand conditions for life exist on this planet."


To confirm the discovery of the Kepler-452star system, researchers conducted ground-based observations of the distantstar and planet at three sites: the University of Texas at Austin's McDonaldObservatory in West Texas, the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in Arizona andthe W. M. Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

为了确定发现了开普勒-452恒星系,研究人员在三个天文台——德州大学奥斯汀分校在西德克萨斯的麦克当纳德天文站(McDonald Observatory ), 亚利桑那州的弗莱德·劳伦斯·惠普尔天文台(Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory)和夏威夷的W.M.Keck天文台——对遥远的恒星和行星展开了实地的的观察。

The researchers' observations and analyseshelped to determine Kepler-452b's size and orbit and the brightness of theKepler-452 star.


"The detection of this planetdemonstrates Kepler's ability to fulfill its original mission goal: to detectEarth-like planets in the habitable zones of sun-like stars, and to measuretheir frequency," Dr. Heather Knutson, assistant professor of planetaryscience at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, told TheHuffington Post in an email. "This is a question of fundamental interestto exoplanetary scientists, and is closely related to the search for lifebeyond our own solar system."

“这颗行星的发现证明了开普勒有能力完成其最初设定的太空探索目标:在类似太阳系的恒星宜居带中发现类似地球的行星。”加州理工大学的行星科学副教授希斯·纳森(Heather Nutson)在一封给《赫芬顿邮报》的邮件中说道。“这是外空科学的根本问题所在,也是与太阳系以外生命研究密切相关。”

Before the discovery of Kepler-452b, alienplanet Kepler-186F held the record for being the most like Earth, Jenkins saidin the teleconference.


In addition to discovering Kepler-452b, theKepler team also has identified 521 celestial objects that could potentially beplanets, raising the number of planet candidates detected by the Kepler missionto 4,696.


The team identified more candidates afteranalyzing observational data collected from May 2009 to May 2013. Beforecandidates are confirmed as planets, follow-up observations and analyses arerequired.


The Kepler spacecraft launched in 2009 andhas been seeking out exoplanets in our Milky Way galaxy ever since.





